Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Red Sox Shirt

Pam likes the Red Sox. A lot. This is an interesting city to be a Red Sox fan in. Several times we've gone out to get drinks and Pam has chosen to wear her Red Sox shirt. My expectation was that we'd come across certain hostile individuals that haven't grasped the concept that baseball is a sport, not a war. But really, the opposite has happened. Instead we're often approaches by other people enthusiastically. Not Red Sox fans... but other fans that HATE the Yankees. Mets... Orioles... you name it. Anyone who hates the Yankees really.

In a gay sports bar called GYM, a drunken queeny Mets fan stumbled up to Pam and declared that she "has bigger balls than any of these men in here!" I believe he also declared her an awesome person. Or his favorite person. I can't quite remember what.

Later at night we went to dinner with S&N at the Viceroy where we sat outside and watched Fred Schneider walk by twice.

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